The Mulberry Bush is a special,residential primary school for emotionally traumatised children.They have often been neglected and abused,with a string of failed home and school placements.The 4 main residential houses are now badly in need of refurbishment.Help us update these homes for the children
It's important for the houses to feel safe,homely and loving,as well as places to have fun and make friends.There was no major refurbishment for 10+ years.Recent work has been piecemeal and we now need to bring all the houses up to the same standard as The Burrow,our newer 52 week house,whilst taking the opportunity to reduce running costs and environmental impact.Local authority fees don't cover improvements to school facilities,hence this appeal which is our main current fundraising focus
Refurbishment was delayed due to Covid but we replaced windows last summer and over the next 2 years kitchens,bathrooms,floors,doors and hot water systems will be replaced and everything redecorated.This will create safer,more homely environments for the children,make them more practical for staff and generate energy/cost savings for the charity.By having this special appeal we plan to raise the £1m needed to do this work which has moved from being a 'nice to have' to a charity priority