This campaign has now closed

Meadows are a jewel in nature’s crown; a place of sublime beauty, colour, scents and sounds, where wildlife can thrive. But did you know our meadows also play an important role in the fight against climate change by storing carbon? This Christmas, could you help restore the UK’s meadows? Together we can restore more than 100,000 hectares of meadows in the next 10 years.


  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind


    The eradication of meadows - botanically richer than any other habitat and a critical store of carbon - has been staggering; agriculture and development has led to a 97% loss. The steady and under-reported decline of meadows is one of the biggest tragedies in the history of UK nature conservation. It is essential we get serious about restoring meadows in response to the ecological crisis and climate emergency we are facing, and to improve the natural experience and wellbeing of communities.


    We need to act now to increase the scale and pace of meadow restoration, to support their soils, plants, pollinators, to manage water courses and mitigate against climate change. We will work with communities to restore meadows by providing training, advice, surveys, preparing the land and spreading green hay or seed. Our work will increase the involvement of communities with local meadows and will offer opportunities to experience meadows to aid wellbeing.

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  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind