This campaign has now closed

The Wellbeing programme at Turner's House engages older people and those receiving mental health support through gardening and art workshops to alleviate loneliness and social isolation, and improve general wellbeing. Oversubscribed in 2021, we aim to increase capacity in 2022 to meet rising demand.


  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries

    • Older People Older People
    • People With Disabilities People With Disabilities


    Over 22,000 people in Richmond borough were living with a diagnosed common mental disorder in 2018, and since the COVID pandemic began depression rates have doubled in the UK. Richmond has the highest proportion of people aged over 75 and living alone in London (51% vs 35% for London). Loneliness and isolation are problems commonly experienced by those with mental health issues and older people living alone. We aim to improve wellbeing for these groups through art and gardening activities.


    The Wellbeing at Turner’s House programme offers older people and those receiving mental health support high-quality art and horticultural workshops inspired by the work and house of the artist JMW Turner. Working in partnership with Age UK and Richmond MIND, we will deliver sessions which aim to improve mental and physical wellbeing, alleviate loneliness, encourage creativity and build confidence, in carefully considered formats which have been tested and well-received by participants.


  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries

    • Older People Older People
    • People With Disabilities People With Disabilities