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To develop a new play about alternative gender identities and homosexuality told from an African perspective. Drawing on the experiences of British Africans dealing with homosexuality and trans-gender conflicts, the play will incorporate dance, music and drama.


  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Beneficiaries


    Discrimination and bullying against trans-gender people, particularly amongst the African Diasporic communities. 73% of transgender people have experienced harassment in public, triple the percentage of lesbians and gay men. Homosexuals and trans-people from BME backgrounds are twice as likely to suffer homophobic and transphobic hate crime than white people. Lack of dialogue about trans-issues in the Black community results in disempowerment and often abuse of trans-people.


    By telling the stories of British Africans struggling with trans-gender and sexuality issues, the play aims to raise awareness and promote tolerance for trans- people, particularly amongst the African Diasporic community. The play will encourage audience


  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Beneficiaries