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Please help to improve existing woodland habitats and create vital links between woods, restoring a huge area of ancient woodland and ensuring the future of many threatened species which rely on this vanishing habitat for their survival.


  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Beneficiaries


    The ancient woodlands of Warwickshire support many rare species, including wood white and dingy skipper butterflies, dormice and small leaved limes, but this habitat is under increasing pressure, threatening the survival of countless species. Many of the woodlands are fragmented and isolated from each other, marooning the wildlife in the event of natural disasters or climate change. Two of the Trusts' most important woodlands, Wappenbury Wood and Ryton Wood, are located near to the village of Princethorpe. There are also 14 other woods located around the area, covering over 400 ha. The project aims to reconnect the fragmented woodlands in this area by enhancing existing hedgerows and planting new ones, creating areas for wildlife to travel through, thus reducing the chances of isolated populations dying out. The project will also enable us to carry out essential woodland management work at Ryton Wood, Wappenbury Wood and Old Nun Wood, such as coppicing hazel and cutting woodland rides to benefit dormice and butterflies. Working with and advising local landowners on sympathethic land management and habitat creation to ensure the future of these woodlands and their vulnerable plants and animals is another essential part of the project.



  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Beneficiaries