This campaign has now closed

We are seeking three years funding to employ a qualified Art Therapist. The Art Therapist, supported by a team of volunteers, will provide a range of arts based therapeutic activities to patients and their carers within the Hospice.


  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Cancer Cancer
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Hospitals/Hospices Hospitals/​Hospices
  • Beneficiaries

    • Older People Older People
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls
    • Other Other


    It has been decided to develop this role for a number of reasons. Firstly a recent survey conducted within our Day Hospice indicated that over 1/3 of patients who took part in the survey said that they would like to explore Art Therapy and creative writing opportunities. Over the years we have run a number of arts centred groups, which have taken place within our Day Hospice. However, although these groups have proved successful there has traditionally been an over reliance on volunteers to deliver the work. Although the volunteers are extremely committed they do not have the specialised knowledge and interpersonal/communications skills to enable patients to fully overcome their inhibitions and explore their creative potential. The groups, which have been run in the past, have happened on an ad-hoc basis. Groups have been run either when small amounts of funding have been received to pay for resources or when we have had volunteers with particular skills and who are willing to help out. A recent internal review highlighted the lack of coordination and structure to the work. Staff and volunteers commented that there is currently no one within the Hospice who can take overall responsibility for Art Therapy and responsibility for managing Arts Groups often falls between a number of different people. In addition to the quantitative evidence detailed above, there is a host of professional literature, which supports the use of Arts Therapy within the hospice environment. A recent quote from Help the Hospices (2007) explains that Art Therapy provides an important form of psychotherapy. Art Therapy “offers patients a valuable shortcut that might take years to achieve through ‘talking therapies”. This is particularly important, as the majority of the patients who will benefit from Art Therapy are terminally ill with many in the final stages of their illness. Therefore it is important that they can access therapeutic therapies, which can be effective quickly. Therefore we are hoping that a generous benefactor will support our application to employ a qualified Art Therapist who, supported by a team of trained volunteers, will deliver Art Therapy to our patients and their carers. This project will run for a period of three years. During this time it is estimated that the project will have supported 300 patients and 400 carers. This figure is based on the therapist working with an average of six people each week for 48 weeks of the year over a three year period. It should be noted however, that they may work with the same person for a number of weeks or months and this is not included within the figures. The majority of the work will take place in our purpose built activities room, which is currently underused. The room allows for private workspace with a good natural light and has all the necessary amenities required for Art Therapy. However we also intend that the Art Therapist will work with patients within their own homes and when appropriate patients on the ward. Cost The total cost of this project over three years will be £76,948.00. This cost includes the salary, on-costs, volunteer’s expenses and specialist equipment.



  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Cancer Cancer
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Hospitals/Hospices Hospitals/​Hospices
  • Beneficiaries

    • Older People Older People
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls
    • Other Other