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Most homeless and vulnerably housed people either do not have access to GP services or are unable to find their own way through complex and exclusive appointment systems to get GP or other consultations. Our Homeless Service was set up to address these inequalities of health care provision


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Homeless/Refuge Homeless/​Refuge
  • Other Other
  • Beneficiaries


    Hastings has a very high concentration of homeless people for the region and remains the most deprived district in the region as well as being ranked 19th most deprived in England. It’s rank worsening from 31st place registered in 2007. Hastings Homeless Service aims to directly improve the health of homeless and vulnerably housed people and give support, advocacy and improved access to information and services, thereby increasing the overall chances of their settlement or resettlement.


    The priority is to deliver our primary health care service to those most in need and today we operate regular drop-in clinics. The key issues dealt with during consultations are wound and foot care, drug and alcohol related problems, infestation and skin disorders and skeletal injuries and we offer a significant range of nursing services to satisfy this growing need; wound care, advice, monitoring of ongoing chronic conditions such as diabetes as well as podiatry and dentistry.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Homeless/Refuge Homeless/​Refuge
  • Other Other
  • Beneficiaries