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Get into are short vocational courses that develop young people's skills in a specific sector. The course aims to give young people aged 16 to 25 who are work ready, but do not have vocational skills, a mixture of practical training and experience that will enable them to get a job.


  • Community Support & Development Community Support & Development
  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Beneficiaries


    Over a million young people are not in education, employment or training in the UK with youth unemployment costing the UK economy £10 million a day in lost productivity. Young people who lack qualifications, experience and support find themselves being pushed further away from the job market and an opportunity to take positive steps forward with their lives. Get into offers disadvantaged young people the vital opportunity to gain experience and build confidence to help them to find a job.


    In learning practical skills, gaining relevant qualifications and building confidence, young people leave the course equipped with the skills needed to gain meaningful employment. After the course, participants are given six months support to help them back into employment or further training and ensure they go on to a brighter future. Last year, around 50% of young people completing a Get into course moved on to work with a further 25% going on to more training.


  • Community Support & Development Community Support & Development
  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Beneficiaries