This campaign has now closed

There is a crisis population of unwanted parrots. The time has come when we need to relocate and build a sanctuary, to put into place a large parrot rescue, rehabilitation, education and awareness facility for us to continue and expand our valuable work and help more needy parrots the future.


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    The need to properly accommodate and manage the amount of unwanted, neglected and cruelly treated parrots that come to NLPR's attention. We must educate and bring awareness to the plight of captive parrots; to make aware that parrots are beyond the 'pet' concept and have the emotional intelligence of a 3 to 5 year old child. The best way forward is to provide an education centre and illustrate the specialised needs of parrots within spacious accommodation with environmental enrichment.


    NLPR will lead by example and raise the current standed of care and understanding of the parrots' needs. We will be providing an educational resource for those engaged in the veterinary field, animal welfare students, school children and parrot keepers. Our project is instrumental in the prevention of ignorance, abuse and cruelty and will help toward stamping out the merciless, brutal, exploitative trade in psittacines.

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  • Animals Animals
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