This campaign has now closed

To set up a beneficiary led community centre in Bajram Curri , Northern Albania and integrate disabled and roma communities providing resources and gifts in kind for education , vocational training , music & art therapy and workshops on basic health , hygiene and child care etc.




No community provision at all in one of the poorest places in Europe. Disabled are still kept out of site and there is no access to help of any kind. Lack of access to education for the marginalised exacerbated by lack of work over last 19 years has led to a lack of hope for around 20% of the population in the town and the majority in rural areas..


Having built good relationships with many over the last three years and indentified key individuals and families willing to set an example we have identified central premises which will be refurbished by local people and a small team from UK & Holland providing donated materials etc (inside and out). Initially used for two half days and two evenings each week we will involve , train and motivate local people to take ownership of the project , with involvement on the governance from the outset ,

