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Girls in Pakistan are given little respect and are regarded as a burden, to work in the house until married off at the first opportunity whatever the outcome. They are Tailoring Center will give them a safe place where they can meet, learn a skill, earn money and gain respect.




The Pakistani girls that we know come from very poor families. They never go to school are literate and spend all their time doing household chores rarely leaving the household compound. Once married they move to their husbands family where their life continues under the authority of their mother in law. They have no respect for themselves because they are given no respect. They are unable to change their lives or those of their children.


The tailoring center will provide them with a safe place to meet girls of their own age away from never ending household chores. They will learn a skill which will earn them respect from their own families but also from a future husband. The extra income will enable them to pay for essential such as food, schooling, health care, clean water.The main aim is to show them that they are valued as individuals and to open their eyes to all the possibilities in life. To give them hope

