This campaign has now closed

Raising Families provides local Churches with the knowledge and skills they need to come alongside and help support vulnerable families in their communities both physically and spiritually.




Poverty continues to be a major social issue in Rwanda. Families struggle with illness, lack of food and employment. They often have poor housing and little if any income – barely subsisting and not able to afford for their children to go to school or pay for healthcare. Each day is a fight for survival; sapping their strength, vitality and feeding their sense of hopelessness.


Church Action Group volunteers are trained in how to care for the whole person – physically, emotionally, spiritually and relationally. Each Church identifies 20 vulnerable families to support and helps advise on HIV, family planning, caring for orphan and vulnerable children, nutrition, sanitation and on how to significantly improve the livelihoods through planting crops, clearing farmland and how to work with others to make the most of the resources available to them to generate income.

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