This campaign has now closed

People with learning disabilities have the opportunity to meet up with their friends in a social and supported setting enjoying, music, karaoke, art games and community activities. Transport is provided enabling many people who could not otherwise access the club to do so safely.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries


    People with learning disabilities can become very isolated and can often only spend time with their friends during the day with staff support. People with more complex needs or who are vulnerable are unable to access social events or the community in the evening and can often face discrimination or abuse when accessing the community..


    The Thursday Club will provide supported transport to/from the individual's door. Support will be provided at the social club or out in the community that enables individuals to be with their friends that is unobtrusive but ensures safety. People with learning disabilities will build friendships, gain confidence, express themselves and challenge public attitudes. Equal People will promote the right of people with learning disabilities to the same opportunities for leisure as everyone.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries