This campaign has now closed

To work with the local community to raise awareness of services available for blind and partially sighted people. To increase access to services and identify gaps in service provision.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries


    The project will provide a range of services and support to maximise opportunities, increase access to services and improve the quality of life for blind and partially sighted people. According to the ‘Unseen’ Report by the RNIB ( 2004 ), thousands of older people with serious sight problems are unaware of services and being left to cope alone when their sight fails. The consequences of this lack of awareness often results in poverty and social isolation. This report also identifies gaps in provision due to misconceptions, lack of training and inadequate resourcing. This project aims to overcome these problems. We intend to increase our involvement with the outside community through an Outreach Development Project. Run by a Development Officer, the project has four main aims: • To increase awareness of services provided by the Society to potential service users, carers and families. • To raise the profile of the Society and involve service users promoting awareness in the community • To improve access to services and combat barriers • To raise awareness to the general public, agencies and service providers of the problems faced by people with serious sight problems and to offer help and advice through organised training sessions within the community. The end goals will be: • More blind and partially sighted people will be aware of and have access to services and support • More community groups, general public and service providers will be aware of the needs of blind and partially sighted people. • The provision of a wide range of good quality services identified through user involvement and the ability to identify and bridge gaps in support needed. • More representation on area forums and increased contact with key decision makers A brief Financial breakdown for this project over one year: • Management cost of the Development Officer £5,400 • Travel and training costs £2,500 • Increased administration and Production of promotional material £2,500 Total cost over 1 year £10,400



  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries