This campaign has now closed

Sport tackles social exclusion & improves community safety (by reducing the chances of young people slipping into lives of crime), increases employment, enhances the environment, and regenerate urban areas. Sport reaches people in all corners of society and provides new ways of helping the deprived




Oxford is often presented as the city of “dreaming spires”, but in reality, there are significant pockets of deprivation. In parts of east and south east Oxford and outlying estates unemployment, poor housing and inadequate facilities, fragmenting families and high crime rates mean that many are severely disadvantaged. It is often the young black communities who suffer most.


Sporting activity can act as a catalyst to develop skills in communication, team work, problem solving, self discipline, adaptability, motivation and other core job and life skills. Young people find a sense of purpose and commitment and their self-confidence and morale improve. For many young people, HSS becomes a positive platform from which even the most disaffected may progress to further education, training, and ultimately, employment.

