This campaign has now closed

The Linkworking project involves a group volunteers who themselves mental health problems, holding meetings with users of mental health services, on the wards at the Bethlem Royal Hospital and within the community centres in Croydon. The project supports service users to have their voices heard




Hear Us is Croydon's Mental Health Service User Group which acts as a coordinating body to facilitate, and ensure service user involvement in, the planning, delivery and monitoring of mental health services in Croydon. Helping to improve the quality of the services commissioned and delivered in the London Borough of Croydon Mental Health Services are commissioned and provided by professionals that have no understanding of life with enduring mental health problems.


Mental Health Services are commissioned and provided by professionals that have no understanding of life with enduring mental health problems. Through Our Linkworking project we are able to capture the experiences of users of services and liaise and make recommendations for positive change to commissioners and providers

