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Midnight Moon is a multi-sensory performance workshop that is designed to stimulate and engage with young people with profound learning needs and on the severest end of the autistic spectrum. Four performers deliver the workshop, which has music at its heart.


  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries


    There is little or no provision of this kind for children with profound and multiple learning difficulty. Our experience in the numerous excellent special schools that we serve is that often the more able take part in cultural activities while the less able rarely get the chance to take part.


    This project seeks to be flexible enough to reach the most severely disabled students. The work itself is intended to be enjoyable, stimulating, gentle, and to help with issues of communication and social interaction. The dramatic situations we show tend to be ones that every child might recognise: leaves fall over the man’s head, birds fly, a moon rises, the girl falls asleep and so on. But for the children whose cognitive skills are very poor we use touch and smell to enhance these situations.

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  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries