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To reduce hunger & increase incomes for 15,000 small scale farming families in this rural area of Ethiopia. Communities will group together to learn the skills they need to make their future more secure. The focus is on improved food production, small business development & capacity building.


  • Disaster Relief Disaster Relief
  • Poverty Alleviation/Relief Poverty Alleviation/​Relief
  • Beneficiaries


    Soils are fragile & unproductive & farmers lack knowledge & resources to try techniques to improve crops & soil fertility. Drought is common, making households vulnerable & food insecure. The community prioritized these problems: Low crop production & productivity: drought, disease & pest hazards. Poor livestock performance: drought, disease, poor breeds & lack of feed. Deforestation & soil erosion Low empowerment & participation of women Poor water supply & sanitation provision


    Train & provide improved seeds, irrigation, soil fertility & anti erosion measures- tree planting, mudstoves & compost to improve crop production & reduce deforestation. Train farmers in animal husbandry & improved breeds to strengthen livestock productivity. Set up viable businesses - honey production, sunflower oil, backed by training, to increase incomes, ensuring women participate through gender workshops. 2 wells, 1 spring & 100 latrines will improve access to water & sanitation.


  • Disaster Relief Disaster Relief
  • Poverty Alleviation/Relief Poverty Alleviation/​Relief
  • Beneficiaries