This campaign has now closed

To redevelop the foyer area within FACT to create a dedicated education / media space to help support our award winning tenantspin project which represents a cutting edge approach to community engagement and is a vehicle through which to meet new people, explore creativity and acquire new skills.


  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Beneficiaries


    At FACT we want to use tenanspin to help develop a social value system where creativity is seen as an alternative value system for people who are living their lives outside of a working environment - elderly people, young people, young parents, people who are unable to work, long term unemployed - and use art and creativity to tackle issues that affect people in some of the most disaffected and deprived communities across Liverpool.


    tenantspin and the proposed new facilities will create a framework through which to acquire practical new skills, paths to further education and employment. The tenantspin projects will help develop confidence in people who have not worked for a long time and encourage them to believe it is possible to participate in the working world and provide them with the first steps to do so


  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Beneficiaries